Penny Auctions
allow you to bid on and win hot, name brand products
​for a fraction of the retail price

Pricebenders™ Penny Auctions deliver brand new (and, occasionally, refurbished), brand name merchandise, gift cards, and more at prices that are far below typical retail. Prices start at just $.01, and with each bid received, the price increases by just one cent. The final bidders on these penny auctions may then buy the items for the ending price (usually a fraction of the normal retail price, with free shipping). TripleClicks "TCredits" are used for bidding on Pricebenders™ Auctions. 

......Be the final bidder and you win the item...

​Silver152Pack--Silver Bars (2 Ounces) & 150 TCredits

Retails at: $101.12
Winning bid:  

Dragon Touch Y88X 7'' Quad Core Google Android 4.4 KitKat Tablet PC

Retails at: $99.99
Winning bid:   
FREE TCredits
​awarded every hour!

Samsung Chromebook

​Retails at: $249.00

Winning bid:    $18.92
Win FREE TCredits 

Chinese Gold Panda 1/20th Ounce

Retails at: $83.91
Winning bid:
WOW! Look at!

Apple iPad Mini 4 (space gray)

Retails at: $399.00
Winning bid:     $55.24

Cook N Home 15-Piece Non-Stick Soft Handle Cookware Set (black) & 50 TCredits

​Retails at: $90.99

Winning bid:    $2.57

Apple MacBook Air 11.6-Inch Laptop

Retails at: $999.00
Winning bid:   

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Keurig K250 2.0 Brewing System, Orange Zest

Retails at: $129.99
Winning bid:    $2.35

WHY JOIN TripleClicks?

Member benefits

Automotive 720p HD Dashcam with Night Vision & 50 TCredits

Retails at: $100.99
Winning bid:    $6.32
 Earn valuablePRIZES every day

TCredits - 400 pack

Retails at: $128.00
Winning bid: 

What Is Pricebenders?

PRICEBENDERS™ Penny Auctions (a division of TripleClicks) allow you to bid on and win hot, name brand products for a fraction of the retail price--typically more than 90% off--with a MINIMUM savings of 77% off (excluding cost of bids, if any) and FREE SHIPPING to US/Canada! Auctions are ongoing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and each one starts at just one cent, with the price going up by just one cent more for each bid placed. The final bidder may then buy the item for the ending price...OR opt for a TC gift certificate or a quantity of TCredits. Join the fun today!

How Do Pricebenders Auctions Work?

First (if you're not a member already), you'll need to sign up as a TripleClicks member HERE. Next, you need some TripleClicks "TCredits" to bid with. TCredits are available in packs of 1, 10, 20, 50, and 200...and for as little as $.29 apiece. 

Once you've got your TCredits, you're ready to start bidding...which is as simple as clicking the red "Bid!" button for your chosen auction item(s) on our AUCTIONS PAGE HERE. You can place bids for multiple auctions simultaneously. Be the final bidder and you win the item(s). It's that simple! Check out our latest winners and the incredible deals being won HERE.

IMPORTANT: It's vital that you read all of our FAQs before you join any Pricebenders™ auctions. Make sure you understand how bidding works, as well as all restrictions, deadlines, etc., and Pricebenders Rules & Policies before jumping in.


Earn MRP with each bid!
With Pricebenders, even when you don't win the auction, you still win! That's because for every bid, you earn 
5 Member Rewards Points (MRP) . MRP can be redeemed on different TripleClicks products, services, and music downloads.

Predict the final auction TCredits!
Each Pricebenders™ Auction also includes a "Pick The Price" (PTP) contest. Just correctly predict the final price of an auction--or be the closest if no exact picks--and you'll win a share of our daily PTP Zackpot and a nifty badge for your TripleClicks Homepage! Play for just one TCredit per entry/auction. No purchase necessary to win. Plus, each entry earns you 5 Member Rewards Points! Hundreds of chances to win weekly and there are no win limits. Click here to learn more and/or enter.

Bid and win TCredits in special flash drawings and lock in 77% off MSRP!
Within most auction detail pages, you'll see a Pricebenders Bonus Bar, a realtime auction progress bar. As bidding continues, the progress bar fills up and hits one or more of 6 possible flash drawings--indicated by the stars on the bonus bar--along the way. Just bid at least once in the 5 minutes prior to the drawing to be eligible to win FREE TCredits.
If the Bonus Bar reaches its end before the end of the auction, we LOCK IN the price you'll pay if you win. No matter how much higher bidding goes, your purchase price will always be AT LEAST 77% off the MSRP!  Learn more HERE.

Need TCredits?

In addition to winning TCredits in the PTP contest or Bonus Bar flash drawings discussed above, you can enter our T-TIME Drawing, where we give away 60 FREE TCredits each hour to 30 lucky winners--720 winners each day! You can also win TCredits through the Daily Crown drawing or by winning an Eager Zebra Game Zackpot. Additionally, you can purchase TCredits for as little as $.29 each HERE.

Tips & Strategies For Winning Pricebenders™ Auctions

There seems to be no limit to the number of tips and strategies out there on the Internet about how to win penny auctions and spend the least number of bids to do it. Trouble is, there seems to be little consensus on many matters. Some “experts” recommend using auto-bid tools, others warn against them. Some stress intricate strategy and mathematical accuracy of bid timing and amounts. Others claim that winning is most simply a matter of bidding at the right time.
However, what most DO agree on is that preparing yourself and practicing a few, clear penny auction do's and don'ts could save you a lot of money AND increase your chances of winning. For preparation, read (and re-read if necessary) the “How It Works” . Then, before placing a bid for a Pricebenders™ auction item, be sure to familiarize yourself with these essential do's and don'ts:

Pricebenders™ Do's

DO...determine a bid budget and stick to it. the auction timer. If the counter almost reaches zero again and again before starting over, it means that there are probably not very many members bidding on that item...and that means your chances of winning are higher.

DO...consider some of the less-expensive items. Generally, fewer people bid on cheaper items and, again, fewer bidders mean your chances of winning are higher.

DO...observe the auctions and list of recently won auction items to determine the best time of day that consistently have the fewest bidders (generally, the lower the winning price, the less bidders there were).

DO...look for Pricebenders auctions designed for new bidders:  1st Winner auctions auctions are open only to bidders who have not won a Pricebenders auction before, while  Junior auctions are open to bidders who have won a total of fewer than 9 auctions.

DO...enter the "Pick The Price" contest. Submit the amount you think will be the winning price of any Pricebenders auction. Pick the exact price--or be the closest if no exact picks--and you'll win a share of our daily Zackpot and a nifty badge for your TripleClicks Homepage! Play for just one TCredit per entry/auction. No purchase necessary to win. Plus, each entry earns you 5 Member Rewards Points! Hundreds of chances to win weekly and no win limits.

DO...purchase your TCredits for bids in bulk if you can. In this way, you'll minimize your cost per TCredit (as low as $0.29 each) and ensure you'll have as many as you need to complete an auction. Running out of TCredits at the last moment can be costly...and heartbreaking!

DO...on the Pricebenders Auction page, you can check out the auction item's description page by clicking the item name. In this way, you'll be sure to know EXACTLY what you are bidding on and avoid unpleasant surprises later. You'll also be able to see the bid log listing all bidders for this item. Tip: Click on a bidder's name to see their TripleClicks "TConnect" Webpage to learn more about him or her.

DO...use Pricebender's Bid Assist with care! This useful tool--accessed by clicking the blue tool icon on a live auction item's panel--can ensure your bids are entered automatically, so you won't have to stand by monitoring an auction...but it should be used carefully and with your budget in mind. Tip: Let's say you think an item's final price is going to be $5.75. A smart auto-bid might be to set up, say, 10 TCredits for between $5.50 and $6.00. Of course, keep in mind that if the price never reaches $5.50, none of your bids will be placed. Conversely, if the price goes beyond $6.00, someone else may win the auction after your 10 TCredits have been automatically bid. for  UP (Under Performer) auctions on the Auction Schedule. They are historically the easiest auctions to win.

DO...only participate in  Big Dog auctions once you've become familiar with Pricebenders auctions and have won some other types of auctions. the Pricebenders Bonus Bar--a live, realtime progress bar that sits atop each auction--while bidding. If bidding reaches the end of the Bonus Bar, we LOCK IN the price. So, now matter how much higher bidding goes, your purchase price will always be AT LEAST 77% off the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price)! Of course, if bidding ends before reaching the end of the bar, your savings could be up to 99% off, but you're always guaranteed to save at least 77% off retail on every auction.

DO...participate in flash drawings for FREE TCredits. Just bid at least once in the 5 minutes prior to the drawings (marked by the stars on the Pricebenders Bonus Bar). You'll earn one drawing entry per bid during this 5-minute time period. Pricebenders Rules & Policies and be sure you understand the rules and limits for participating in the penny auctions.

​Pricebenders™ Don'ts

DON'T...spend more on an auction than you are willing to lose.
DON'T...wait too long to bid. Connectivity issues, computer crashes, latency (network delays), and other factors may interfere with your bid. If you wait till the last few seconds to bid, you're running the risk that your bid won't go through in time. And make sure you understand that when you bid, it just resets the auction clock, so being the last one to bid before the clock hits zero gains you little if anything...and may just keep you from winning if your bid is delayed by one of the afore-mentioned technical issues. If your strategy is to wait until the "last possible moment," we recommend bidding with NO LESS THAN 5 seconds remaining.
DON'T...get overly excited when bidding. You'll be more likely to break your budget and/or use your TCredits up faster than you need to.
DON'T...get in a bidding war with other bidders. If you can, sit back and let others battle and use their TCredits trying to out-bid each other.
DON'T...lose an auction because of a distraction or needing to leave your computer for a moment. Turn on Bid Rescue--accessed by clicking the blue tool icon on a live auction item's panel--to automatically place a bid for you when needed. Note: For even more peace of mind, you can set Bid Rescue to ON by default for all auctions you participate in.

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