For over 17 years, we've been building the #1 AFFILIATE PROGRAM on the Internet.  

SFI  works...and we provide you with a powerful and comprehensive marketing system.

"Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence." Colin Powell
SFI biz opportunity
Do you want to work for 40 years or more to make $40,000 a year or less just so you can retire on 40% of what wasn't enough in the first place?

Imagine owning a profitable home business that you could start today WITHOUT:
- Technical know-how,
- Large capital investment or overhead,
- Jeopardizing your current career,
- Any of the headaches of owning a traditional business.

What if all the tools and techniques were provided for you instantly with simple-to-follow, step-by-step instructions?
What if I told you it was FREE to join with NO obligation?

FREE Internet Business Course—$295 Value!

Free Internet business, training, and support. Multiple income streams. Residual and leveraged income; 95% of the work is automated.

Start earning income immediately just by doing simple free actions!

Earn up to six different ways: 
  • Direct Commissions, 
  • TripleClicks Executive Pool, 
  • Co-Sponsor Commissions, 
  • TCredits Bonus, 
  • ECA Royalties,
  • SFI Pay-Per-Action!
Qualify for EVERY type of compensation with as little as 1500 VP a month!
All qualifying VP (Versa Points) can be generated with just actions, or combinations of actions and sales!
SFI Comp plan

Grow your SFI income by:

TC Products
1.  Selling TripleClicks products and services:   

​Each time an SFI affiliate that you have personally sponsored or a Triple Clicks member that you have personally referred places an order at​_, you earn 45% of the CV. (CV -Commission Volume value is determined by the product's margin. The higher the margin is, the higher the CV. A product's CV is the maximum amount that can be paid out in commissions for that product.)
2. Selling your unwanted and unneeded stuff at TripleClicks Member Listing Program

Our Member Listing Program allows you to sell your unwanted and unneeded stuff at Clean out your closets, attic, and garage and turn your clutter into easy cash.
TC Selling online

​Simply refer companies that sell products to For each that becomes an approved ECA, you'll earn 10% of the CV on all of their sales at The ECA referral program is very powerful because all you have to do is introduce an ECA to TripleClicks and you're all set to earn royalties for life! Every time anyone—anywhere in the world—buys something at TripleClicks from one of your referred ECAs, you earn a royalty!
4. Telling a friend about TripleClicks
WAVE3 - W3 is our exclusive program for our members to help spread the word about TripleClicks. Enjoy the great benefits below just for telling a friend about TripleClicks:

​- 120 days FREE W3 membership!
- FREE Member Rewards Points!
- FREE monthly download of a TripleClicks song!
 - FREE monthly member listing!
- Additional 5% discount on any one Deal Of The Day of your choice each month!
- FREE bonus entries in the big Daily Crown drawings!
- Unlimited lifetime 10% matches of any Eager Zebra Zackpot winnings of your referrals!

Wave3 banner
Eager Zebra Games
5. Referring people to EZ games

The Eager Zebra games are designed to attract and keep you engage in your SFI business. The competition, prizes and display of badges that comes in Eager Zebra games participation will give you a feeling of satisfaction of your accomplishment and the desire to achieve more.
Games at TripleClicks can also attract millions of new people to TripleClicks. That’s potentially millions of new shoppers, new customers, and new PRMs (with their lifetime commissions) for you. 
​6. Referring people to PricebenderAuctions​

Bidding at Pricebenders Auctions is a very lucrative business in SFI.
A chance to win and buy valuable product at amazingly low prices.
You can get name brand merchandise for pennies on the dollar. This saves you money.
You can win unlimited TCredits to use for your SFI busine
ss. TCredits are acceptable currencies in SFI business.
Participating in Bid and Build program and getting 1 PSA for every 50 bids in auctions.
Pricebenders Auctions
Music Contest Banner
7. Referring people to TripleClicks Music Contest or get your song entry in now for...

- Wide, international exposure for your music. has nearly 1.3 million members in more than 190 countries!
- Recognition.  Winning or placing in the Song-of-the-Month contest means some serious bragging rights for you that you can use to further grow your band's reputation and fan base! 

- Valuable feedback. TripleClicks members will rate/review your song entries to help you improve your future songwriting and recording! 
- FREE customized Artist "TConnect" Website for promoti
ng your music and communicating with fans. Includes automatic previewing and instant downloads of every song you upload. It's also a no-hassle, plug-and-play site for selling your band's merchandise, tickets, etc., and more!

​8. Increase your income with sponsoring and duplication

SFI Biz Opportunity
Anyone can get someone to sign up free as an affiliate. The KEY to creating a major income in SFI is by learning and grow a Team of active SFI affiliates.
The world’s wealthiest people have known for hundreds of years that if you want financial freedom, you must tap into at least one of the following:

- Residual Income
- Leveraged Income

Residual income is income that keeps coming in month af
ter month, year after year, from work you do just ONCE. It’s like aroyalty. An example would be writing a book or recording a song and getting paid forever on it. Wouldn’t it be absolutely awesome to have that?! Well, with SFI you can!

Leveraged Income is earning money through other people’s efforts. There are only 24 hours in a day. Hence, there is only so much you can earn through your own efforts. But with SFI, you can earn Leveraged Income (in the form of “override” commissions) when affiliates you’ve sponsored in SFI make sales.

Earn even more Leveraged Income when they sponsor other affiliates and refer TrupleClicks members who make purchases…and when your affiliates’ affiliates sponsor affiliates and refer members…and so on.
The fact is, by simply sponsoring a few good, active SFI affiliates; you can eventually have hundreds or even THOUSANDS of affiliates and TC members putting moneyin your pocket from around the word…around the clock!

Get started FREE. Start seeing money within a few weeks! Learn more​

What others are saying about SFI

What other are saying banner

"No wonder we admire and trust SFI. There are some brilliant minds at work here. Great! And Thank You!"  --Jessie M., CANADA

"I can honestly say, thank you. It is a brilliant new incentive program. Thank you."

"Simply awesome, Gery! Thank you very much! At long last, CSAs are now the 'must haves' every new and existing affiliate should aspire for. And what a brilliant way to incentivize those who are still hesitant to set up a Standing Order!"  --Gliceria P., AUSTRALIA

"Happy about this news! Very smart and useful for all. Thanks SFI!"

"This is fantastic! I can now see how a new affiliate will want to become an EA quickly to receive the extra CSAs. This is a great business boost all around--affiliates putting in larger standing orders and getting involved in everything else. Way to go SFI!! This will be a great incentive that will benefit all who are involved even in the smallest of ways. Excited!"
--Wayne C., USA

"Thank you for this terrific new incentive program! I look forward to the positive outcome of this program!"  --Jeannine G., USA
"Your new CSA Reward program is truly a godsend. Thanks for always thinking of ways to truly motivate your extended SFI families. Also thanks to Mrs. Bonnie Carson, VP., and all your staff. All I can say in one word is:   
--Bruce H., USA

"wOw!! I am thrilled! You have made so many wonderful changes lately, but in my opinion, this CSA Rewards program has to be the most motivating and rewarding. What a great way to recognize all our hard work! Brilliant!!!"   --Moira D., MEXICO

"What amazing news!! Hope this will be a good push for all our team members to grow and do their best!"   --Morena A., CROATIA

"Just WOW! SFI truly rocks! This is really, really awesome! What an great way to make affiliates do more and ensure they maintain their EA keep all these CSAs they'll be accumulating. Well done Gery and all the SFI Team."  --Oseloka I., NIGERIA

"Thank you Gery and Staff. There is never a dull moment at SFI. In my short time here, I have seen many changes, which denotes great vision for SFI. It is my hope that the CSAs see the same benefits."   
--Gweneth L., USA

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